Course Overview Safeguarding Children - Children's Care - Intermediate Level training course provides progression from the Safeguarding Children’s Essential Level course. This is a training session for people working with children. This course is for those working in children's residential care in order for them to have an understanding of the requirements around safeguarding, identifying abuse, being able to respond appropriately in situations where abuse is likely to occur and recognising the importance of reporting any suspected incidents. The course features a range of group work, activities and discussions to enhance learner skill development. This course offers a blended learning approach including a short scenario, a workbook, infographics and a classroom style training session. This course can be delivered in face-to-face classroom environment or a virtual classroom via a webinar: on PC, laptop etc. For mobile phones it is recommended to use the app for IOS or Android devices. Aims & Objectives Looks at legislation, guidance, policy and procedure relating to safeguarding Identifies points regarding making safeguarding personal Enables trainees to give examples and identify signs of possible abuse Understands how to report and respond to disclosures of abuse and how to support children at risk who make a disclosure Identifies the role of other agencies and who to contact Understands how to manage practice that helps to safeguard individuals from harm or abuse and also explain policy regarding monitoring Course Audience Psychologists, Teachers, Speech Therapists, Learning Support Assistants, Residential Social Workers, Health Care Workers, Social Care Workers, Support Centre Practitioners, Youth Workers, Support Worker, Nursing Staff, Children’s Residential Care Workers, Education workers.
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Head Office Ormskirk
13 Nov 2023 09:30
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