Course Overview Safer Recruitment - Children's Care - Intermediate Level training course is a training session for people working with children. This course is for those working in Safer recruitment, safer recruitment is a set of practices to help make sure your staff are suitable to work with children. It’s a vital part of creating a safe and positive environment and making a commitment to keep children and safe from harm. The course features a range of group work, activities and discussions to enhance learner skill development. This course offers a blended learning approach including a short scenario, a workbook, infographics and a classroom style training session. This course can be delivered in face-to-face classroom environment or a virtual classroom via a webinar: on PC, laptop etc. For mobile phones it is recommended to use the app for IOS or Android devices. Aims & Objectives Assessing the risks that safer recruitment can pose to children Support your team in Managing Safer Recruitment Understands why it’s important to develop child protection and safeguarding measures and that you have support from the highest level in your organisation Develop a robust safeguarding and safer recruitment policy Outline expectations and behaviours that are acceptable within your organisation Selecting the right staff Course Audience Psychologists, Teachers, Speech Therapists, Learning Support Assistants, Residential Social Workers, Health Care Workers, Social Care Workers, Support Centre Practitioners, Youth Workers, Support Worker, Nursing Staff, Children’s Residential Care Workers.
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Head Office Ormskirk
12 Nov 2023 09:30
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