Trauma - Children's Care - Essential Level

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Trauma - Children's Care - Essential Level

Course Overview Trauma - Children's Care - Essential Level training course is designed to aid understanding of Trauma and how it can affect the lives of people long after the event that caused it. An understanding of what causes it will be provided along with techniques and strategies to reduce the negative impact it leaves on people. The activities encourage reflection that can be implemented into practice. Then, the quiz is completed at the end of the course to consolidate learning. A session re-cap is held where the learner can ask any further questions and key factors are stated by the Tutor. Learners are given the opportunity to reflect on what they have gained from the programme. The course features a range of group work, activities and discussions to enhance learner skill development. This training session can be accessed via a link and is accessible from a range of devices including IOS and Android platforms. Aims & Objectives Define Trauma and how the body responds to it Give examples of traumatic experiences and reactions to Trauma Discuss the effects of Trauma on Children and Young People Highlight trauma triggers and responses Give an overview of trauma informed care Discuss that challenges that staff can face and give advice on how to help Children and Young People and the importance of self-care Course Audience Health Care Workers, Social Care Workers, Nursing staff, Day Care/Centre workers, Home Care Staff, Agency staff.

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Course information

Earn a career credential

  • Course Type


  • Tutor

    Think Tank

  • Location

    Head Office Ormskirk

  • Date and Time

    06 May 2024 13:30

  • Course Duration


  • Capacity


  • Credits


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