First Aid at Work - Adult and Children's Care - Advanced Level | Online Training Courses

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First Aid at Work - Adult and Children's Care - Advanced Level

Course Description First Aid at Work - Adult and Children's Care - Advanced Level - 2 Day Course training course is designed specifically to train people face to face, who are required to be First Aiders at Work. It includes all aspects of First Aid including CPR and the use of defibrillators. It gives an in-depth insight into various illnesses, diseases, conditions, and injuries that are commonly seen in the workplace. There is an element of both practical competency and First Aid knowledge included which gives the learners the best chance possible of helping a person who is injured, the prevention of further injuries and even saving lives. The use of equipment is involved in the course along with demonstrations of treating and bandaging injuries and wounds, stemming bleeds and how to deal with a person who is choking. This course can be delivered in face-to-face classroom environment or a virtual classroom via a webinar: on PC, laptop etc. For mobile phones it is recommended to use the app for IOS or Android devices. Aims and Objectives To provide candidates with the knowledge and expertise to qualify as a first aider within the workplace Describe your actions in an emergency Demonstrate the management of the unresponsive casualty Demonstrate adult resuscitation including use of the AED Describe how to recognise and treat bleeding and shock Explain the management of adult choking Explain the treatment of minor and major injuries Course Audience This course is designed for anyone who is required to be a First Aider in the Workplace.

Course information

  • Course Type


  • Location

    Head Office

  • Date and Time


  • Course Duration


  • Credits


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